18 Mar

While there are numerous techniques of face massage available for us to learn as estheticians there are some ground rules to follow whether you’re giving a traditional European style, Acupressure or lymphatic drainage massage.

Don’t lean on the client - Some techniques may be easier to carry out if we stabilize our hands by placing the heel of the hands on the clients forehead while our fingers are working on another area. This will feel fine to the client if the pressure is light but if you lose concentration of what you’re doing it could feel uncomfortable and distracting to the client.

Dress appropriately - whatever you choose to wear for work, ensure there are no drawstrings, loose sleeves, cuffs or scarves that could tickle or touch your client as you lean forward. The same is true of your hairstyle. Keeping your hair tied back, if long, not only keeps it from touching your clients face but prevents you from tucking it behind your ears during treatment which is extremely unhygienic.

Don’t scratch the client - Ideally fingernails should be kept short for massage but even short nails can scratch your client. Ensure you're using the correct part of your fingers and thumbs to manipulate the skin and muscles rather than your fingertips.

Pay attention - It’s very easy for us to go on automatic pilot, especially if you’re really familiar with the massage technique you’re using. Keep an eye out for any facial expressions or flinches a client may show it’s a sign that something doesn’t feel comfortable. Check in with your client and adjust your pressure or technique accordingly.

Don’t press on sensitive areas - We all have different levels of pain threshold making some clients more sensitive to touch than others. However, there are certain areas of the face and neck that 99% of people will find unpleasant. The temple area for example feels wonderful if a light to medium pressure is used in the region. Heavy pressure here can feel uncomfortable. Another area to be cautious of is the front of the neck, over the throat region. The larynx, also known as the voicebox, lies close to the surface of the neck and is sensitive to pressure.

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